Wayne Heydon a level 1 certified thermographer provides thermal imaging scanning of electrical panels and switchboards for all of SE Qld.

Wayne Heydon – Level 1 Certified Thermographer for Electrical Systems

A 5-star rated electrician with 30 years of experience, in a continual learning path, decided to uptake the modern advancement in preventive maintenance for the electrical systems. After rigorous training, on 2021, Wayne Heydon is certified as Level 1 Thermographer with the certification No. ITP 21-07-1426.

Wayne Heydon is a founder of Electrical Solutions and Compliance Today, also known as ENC Solutions Today, is coming up with a resort and spa, thousands of kilometers away, in Kathmandu, Nepal as Cooee Himalaya Resort & Spa (www.cooeehimalaya.com)

A thorough professional and a veteran in electrical systems has served all over Southeast Queensland: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich and Logan. His value proposition is providing compliant electrical solutions with advises to the clientele, as deemed necessary.

Thermal Imaging Project Works by Wayne Heydon

Fluke Thermal Imaging Camera for Thermal Imaging Scanning of Electrical Systems by Wayne Heydon
Detailed thermal imaging scanning report with electrical system by Wayne Heydon